Locust posts

     Locust is the most resistant material in Europe. The most suitable material for agricultural and garden usage. It has a lower price than the saturated pine products.


4 - 6 cm diameter acacia post
Thin posts in bark for fence and garden building.


Stock:  4533 m
360 Ft + ÁFA (457 Ft)
5 m locust post (unas_375173)
5 m locust post
Acacia post for use in agriculture.


Stock:  0 pc
6 800 Ft + ÁFA (8 636 Ft)
Out of stock
6 m long acacia columns (ildare_460750)
6 m long acacia columns

10 to 14 cm diameter acacia columns
- domestic product
- extremely durable

- hop hop
- garden game
- garden furniture
- avalanche protection column



Stock:  8 pc
8 400 Ft + ÁFA (10 668 Ft)
7 m long locust post (ildare_476670)
7 m long locust post
Diameter in the middle is 16-20 cm. We recommend it for hop plantation and safety net. 
Stock:  10 pc
18 000 Ft + ÁFA (22 860 Ft)
Acacia column 8 - 10 cm in diameter
- reasonable price
- domestic
- durable
- natural

We ensure the continuous service of our esteemed Customers from acacia poles with a high stock throughout the year!

- wild fence column

- retaining wall

- garden play

- fence post

- sloping 

Stock:  0 pc
2 000 Ft + ÁFA (2 540 Ft)
Out of stock
  403 / 5000 Fordítási találatok Branched trees, forked trees
- ideas
- decorations
- interior design
- gardening materials 

Stock:  12 pc
5 000 Ft + ÁFA (6 350 Ft)
Robinia pseudoacacia (ildare_397477)
Robinia pseudoacacia
- shade - scent -

- flowers - work -

- warmth - flowers -

- fragrance - shade - 
Locust tree (ildare_118371)
Locust tree
Acacia saw logs (unas_180069)
Acacia saw logs
Our company also deals with the export and trade of domestic saw logs! 
Stock:  24 m³
60 000 Ft + ÁFA (76 200 Ft)
Acacia stake, 1,5 m long, natural
The acacia vineyard stake is 2,7 m long. 5 to 7 cm in diameter (the diameter of the middle pole is
measured without bark). 

Stock:  0 pc
600 Ft + ÁFA (762 Ft)
Out of stock
Acacia stake, 1,8 m long, natural
Stakes 5 - 7 cm in diameter with extraordinary quantity discounts! 
Stock:  0 pc
750 Ft + ÁFA (953 Ft)
Out of stock
Acacia stake, 2 m long, natural
Naturally grown, 5 - 7 cm in diameter, durable, eco-friendly acacia stakes at affordable prices! 
Stock:  0 pc
900 Ft + ÁFA (1 143 Ft)
Out of stock
Acacia post (ildare_698234)
Acacia post
Acacia products: Ildáre! 
Stock:  20000 pc
Acacia poles, 2 metres (ildare_886886)
Acacia poles, 2 metres
Suitable for fence building, bark is not removed. 
Stock:  32 pc
Acacia poles, 3 metres (unas_289592)
Acacia poles, 3 metres
The poles are 3 metres long and they are not debarked. 
Stock:  0 pc
2 700 Ft + ÁFA (3 429 Ft)
Out of stock
Loading of acacia poles piece
In addition to product sales, we also offer our product-related services!

- delivery


approximation of goods

- loading tasks 
Acacia log sale (ildare_314682)
Acacia log sale
+36 70 667 9060 
Locust log bench (unas_584059)
Locust log bench
180 cm long locust log bench, the 1 meter long legs can be buried. 
Stock:  0 pc
50 000 Ft + ÁFA (63 500 Ft)
Out of stock
Acacia log, 18 - 21 cm (ildare_509065)
Acacia log, 18 - 21 cm
18 - 21 cm diameter acacia logs at a good price in small batches and in large batches! 
Stock:  3 m
2 800 Ft + ÁFA (3 556 Ft)
Acacia log, 21 - 25 cm (ildare_769335)
Acacia log, 21 - 25 cm
We sell bark acacia logs on forest loaders without processing! 
Stock:  90 m
4 000 Ft + ÁFA (5 080 Ft)
Locust vineyard post (ildare_798402)
Locust vineyard post
Barked locust posts.


Stock:  88 pc
Acacia logs (ildare_346515)
Acacia logs

- natural wood furniture
- log furniture
- seat
- decoration
- minimal design
- rustic environment
- industrial loft design
- furniture, natural wood >>>


Stock:  3 pc
40 000 Ft + ÁFA (50 800 Ft)
Lumpy acacia logs (ildare_799130)
Lumpy acacia logs
- decorative
- attractive
- unique
- durable 

Stock:  20 pc
Lumpy acacia logs (ildare_771269)
Lumpy acacia logs
- natural wood
- log furniture
- decoration
- creative 

Stock:  2 pc
82 000 Ft + ÁFA (104 140 Ft)
Half acacia column (ildare_103517)
Half acacia column
High quality 2.5 m long, 14 - 18 cm medium diameter halved acacia poles in bark 
Stock:  1 pc
4 400 Ft + ÁFA (5 588 Ft)
Sawed locust post, 2.5 m
10x10 cm cross-section, 2.5 meters long sawed locust post.


Stock:  15 pc
7 500 Ft + ÁFA (9 525 Ft)
Sawed locust post, 10 x 10 cm
- fence post
- vineyard
- pergola
- salad 

Stock:  0 m
3 000 Ft + ÁFA (3 810 Ft)
Out of stock
Sawed locust post, 2 meter long
10 x 10 x 200 cm sawed post from robinia wood. 
Stock:  0 pc
6 000 Ft + ÁFA (6 000 Ft)
Out of stock
Sawed locust post, 2 m, 9 x 9 cm
Sawed locust post. 
Stock:  0 pc
4 860 Ft + ÁFA (6 172 Ft)
Out of stock
Sawn columns (ildare_596325)
Sawn columns
- durable
- solid
- versatile
- solid wood 
Split acacia post (ildare_384923)
Split acacia post
- fence post
- grape column
- grape stalk
- wooden bar

The transverse load capacity of split wood products is significantly higher than that of sawn products because the saw can cross the fiber direction of the wood. 

Stock:  20 pc
Treatment of tutors and posts
There are two ways to treat the side of the posts going in the ground:
- burning
- frame protection coat

You can ask for both treatment for each posts and tutors for the same price.
If you don't see them in the webshop among the options please ask for our unique offer

Acacia post in bark (ildare_668825)
Acacia post in bark
14-18 cm diameter acacia post in bark.


Stock:  29 m
1 800 Ft + ÁFA (2 286 Ft)
Cracked acacia column, grape vine

- strong
- lasting
- at a good price!
- european product


Stock:  22 pc
Fence posts (ildare_229271)
 Fence posts
- wooden fence
- wooden gate
- mesh fence
- fence post

Stock:  1000 pcs
Hop column, 8 meters (unas_383513)
Hop column, 8 meters
8 meters long, assorted quality, 14 - 18 cm medium diameter acacia poles 
Stock:  2 pc
18 000 Ft + ÁFA (22 860 Ft)
Barked locust post (ildare_611964)
Barked locust post
2.5 meters long, 8-10 cm diameter locust post.


Stock:  0 pc
1 900 Ft + ÁFA (2 413 Ft)
Out of stock
Burning treatment (ildare_132591)
Burning treatment
We give a longer life to the post with the burning method. This is an environment friendly solution.
When we burn the post, the sapwood burns so less water goes in the post giving substrate to the mushroom disease.
Acacia logs (ildare_189846)
Acacia logs

- natural wood furniture
- log furniture
- seat
- decoration
- minimal design
- rustic environment
- industrial loft design
- furniture, natural wood >>>


Stock:  4 pc
40 000 Ft + ÁFA (50 800 Ft)
Log fence (ildare_852836)
Log fence
Build paddock-like fences from polished acacia poles! 
Vineyard post, 2,5 m (ildare_459723)
Vineyard post, 2,5 m
2,5 m long,14-18 cm diameter locust post.  
Stock:  10 pc
6 000 Ft + ÁFA (7 620 Ft)
Vineyard post, 3 m (ildare_332341)
Vineyard post, 3 m
3 m long, 14-18 cm diameter locust post. 
Stock:  55 pc
7 400 Ft + ÁFA (9 398 Ft)
Vine posts, stakes (ildare_450484)
Vine posts, stakes
Beside the new vine plantation technology (concrete post, iron post) many people use the traditional acacia post and stakes.
Acacia stakes has several advantages:
- longer life-span (40-70 years)
- flexibility (machines don't break it)
- environment friendly

Vineyard support element, 2,5 m
- grape column
- end column
- row, column
- my vineyard 

Stock:  5 pc
Vineyard support element, 3 m
Bark acacia column

- grape column

- row, column

- my vineyard 

Stock:  14 pc
Lumpy acacia logs (ildare_388354)
Lumpy acacia logs
- natural wood
- log furniture
- decoration
- creative 

Stock:  2 pc
22 000 Ft + ÁFA (27 940 Ft)
Wild fence construction (ildare_148789)
Wild fence construction
- fishing net sales
- home delivery
- column knockout
- net tension 
Thin acacia post (ildare_774684)
Thin acacia post
- for the construction of a pergola
- to build szaletli
- fence post
- gardening

Acacia poles 2.5 meters long and 6 to 8 cm in diameter. 

Stock:  2 pc
 Barked, thick poles for vineyard
14-18 cm in diameter locust tree post with bark.
The bark is not measured, the length is 2.5 meters.


Stock:  59 pc
4 000 Ft + ÁFA (5 080 Ft)

Sort by:

Standard length dimensions:

1.5 m; 1.8 m; 2 m; 2.25 m; 2.5 m; 2.75 m; 3 m; 3.5 m;

4 m; 5 m; 6 m; 8 m


Standard thickness dimensions:

size group, a.

4 - 6 cm; 6 - 8 cm; 8 - 10 cm; 10 - 14 cm; 14 - 18 cm;

18 - 21 cm; 21 - 25 cm

size group, b.

3 - 5 cm; 5 - 7 cm; 7 - 9 cm; 9 - 11 cm; 12 - 16 cm;

16 - 20 cm; 20 - 23 cm


 akác karámfa

    Paddocks, paddock boards on our site
