Compost frames on individual offer

komposztkeret, fa komposztálók

    Wooden compost bins, composting frames


0,8 cubic meter composting place from oak
Hexagonal composting place from planed, treated oak slats. 
Stock:  0 pc
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Compost frame (ildare_296672)
Compost frame

1 m x 1 m x 0,8 m high composting box from 17,5 mm thick planks.


Stock:  0 pc
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Composting place from split spruce

Split spruce for compost frame.


Stock:  0 pc
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Magaságyás (unas_651777)

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high beds

development of!


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High bed? It is a raised area that is surrounded by a frame. Height is 70 - 90 cm, with a maximum width of 120 cm. Depending on the area available, the length may be arbitrary. It is recommended that there be a gap of 1 to 2 cm between the sides of the water to drain excess water. Earth leaching can be prevented by geotextile.



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